Talk to Yourself Mar 7

Psalm 43:5 Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.
Usually when you hear a person talk to themself you think they have problems.  David did have issues but his self talk was internal pep talk based on His awareness of God.  Some people tell themselves they are stupid or incapable.  They repeat negative messages people have told them.  Others have unrealistic self talk that they are all-that and untouchable.  David did neither.  He spoke the reality of his feelings.  He was in touch with his personal weakness and depression, but he did not stop there.  He proceeded to command himself to put his hope in God and praise God based on the facts of who God was
(his and his salvation).  This was important.  David could have ended looking at himself and stayed sad, but He looked at God and became hopeful.  He took action by focusing his attention and expectation and praise on God, and got encouraged.  Self motivation is not enough for even the strongest human fails, but let us look to God, who never fails.  Encourage yourself in the Lord today as David did.


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