Fighting Greed Mar 14

Heb 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
It is easy to get caught up in collecting things.  We live in a consumer society where ads, commercials and billboards are constantly putting out messages that we need a certain brand, item, or oufit to be fulfilled, happy and popular.  This is like chasing the wind because after a short time the style changes, the car needs repaired, the neighbor gets a nicer version or the technology improves.  God wants all of our hearts.  He wants us undistracted and enamored with Him.  It may mean not having the latest and greatest, forgoing a wish to meet a need, and using something classic over and over.  Jesus left the earth with only one seamless robe and that was also taken, yet he had a closeness to God like none other because He knew fullness within came from knowing God not having things.


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