Give it to God Mar 15

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.
In daily life we all encounter issues that we cannot solve.  Whether it is financial, relational or physical, some things we must simply go through.  What happens when the doctor, counselor, and advisor has done all they can do and the issue remains?  What happens when tragedy comes out of the blue?  God wants us to give these things to Him.  This does not just apply to the big stuff.  There are a lot of things we cannot control including the weather, the economy and the actions or inaction of others.  When these situations arise is their a tendency to hide, get angry,blame, complain, tremble, over analyze, or self destruct?  Even some Christians are plagued by worry, fear and confusion because they think they have to handle life by themselves.  It is easy to pray about something without really giving it to God.  God wants us to throw our concerns on Him and allow Him to take care of what we cannot.  Those who trust in the Lord are not shaken in difficulties.  They live with a lightness and ease in life because they do not carry their troubles--they let God.


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