Obtain a Promise Mar 8

Hebrews 6:12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
The spiritual way of obtaining promises is different from the natural way.  A promise is something you are hoping for that you cannot get on your own.  The world uses methods like bribery, flattery, name-dropping or cheating to get ahead.  As believers our heroes should be people like Abraham who put his trust in God to obtain an heir from a barren wife.  Both faith and patience is needed to get a promise.  We need faith to believe the impossible is possible for God and we need patience to wait for him to act with us or without us, as he leads.  It is easy to get sluggish or give up when we do not see results, but conquering faith does not falter and persists to the end.


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