Kingly qualities Mar 28

Psalm 72:1 Give the king your justice, O God, and your righteousness to the royal son!
Here is a prayer from Solomon the wisest of all kings.  Solomon wanted God's right way of being and doing.  He wanted to be an agent of change to make the wrongs right that he encountered.  This takes wisdom because it is not always easy to discern intention and actions.  A person has to be righteous to be a good judge or ruler because sin will impair a person from making good calls or decisions just as a blind man trying to see or a deaf person trying to hear.  This is why in the end only God will judge the world because He only is perfectly righteous.  Solomon as a young king asked God for help in ruling, and God gave him unusual ability to see truth and error.  He was a regular Judge Judy x10 uncovering lies and bringing payback:  penalties to the guilty and rewards to the innocent.  God can also use us to bring justice if we are established in Christ's righteousness and depend on Him and His word for answers, not our emotions or culture.


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