Set Apart Mar 27

1 Peter 4:4 With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you;
God tells us to come out from the world and touch not the unclean things.  The world which operates by its senses is given to much drinking, lusts and idolatry.  Peter says when we abstain we will take them by surprise.  The believer should be an enigma to the world because they do not follow the if it feels good do it mentality like everyone else.  They look different, talk different and act different.  The believer has a direct line to God's throneroom and is led by the voice of the Spirit.  As a result, the world will attempt to excommunicate the believer from their circles to remove the testimony of righteousness and prick of their conscience.  They will be surprised at us, but we should not be surprised at them.


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