The Fear of the Lord Feb 27

Psalm 34:13 Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit. 14 Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
David is telling his audience about the fear of the Lord which brings good, life, and long life.  He concludes by saying Gods ears are open to the cry of the righteous.  This tells me our actions are important to engage with God.  Firstly he mentions the tongue.  It is interesting that David deals with speaking evil before doing evil.  This is because our words flow from our life and our life from our words.  We will often speak who we are and what we will do before taking action.
After guarding our mouth we are to take action to turn from evil, to do good and pursue peace.  It is not enough to hide from the poison of the world or criticize,  we should be agents of change to bring Christ's love and light where there is none in order to overcome the darkness and hate.  By seeking peace with God and man and by living a humble unassuming life of service, our lives will speak for us and be a witness to God's goodness.
Peace is an active pursuit because the flesh does not like to be ignored and is always clamoring for a voice and attention.  We need the Prince of Peace ruling in our hearts so we can remain serene even when others are testy or trying to test our patience knowingly or unknowingly.


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