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What of the prophets? What of 2020?

 Was God surprised with 2020?  Many Christians in our country were believing and expecting for a godly ruler but got a deviant ruler. Many Christian prophets were saying the righteous ruler would be sworn into office in 2020. Even though the count went to the godly ruler, the grip of the devious rulers did not allow the righteous government to stay in power. Is this the final result and if so why and where are we going? Were the prophets wrong and why?  A deadly virus swept the land with many victims. Medicines with high cure rates were hidden from the people and expensive programs with vaccines were touted and many were swept away in the politicizing of medicine. People were locked in their homes and business were closed forever.  The media began to blackout any voices of truth and reason spinning stories recklessly and violence ruled in the streets. Criminals were made heroes and righteous rulers were mocked and punished. Is this America? It is clear in Israel's history that ungo

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