Christmas 2020

 Jesus is Lord and on the throne! I am so grateful for this year. It has been a hard year in some respects but God has made it so joyous for us! This reminds me of Joseph who named his first son Manasseh which means he was able to forget his suffering and second son Ephriam which means God caused him to be fruitful in the land of his affliction (Gen 41:51-52). Only God can cause fruitfulness in affliction. 

This is my testimony! This year God brought me a godly husband after I had waited many years in singlehood. I thought I may have been overlooked or forgotten or unheard being into my 40s but the Lord brought me a man who had saved himself for me and we are in wedded bliss since May. Even while the worldwide pandemic had things in a shutdown and lockdown status, God was opening doors for me in bringing me my life partner and a move to our own home and continued employment. I am so grateful. Truly God can make a way where this is no way and bring fruit when the natural circumstances seem barren.

The Message of Christ is what propels us forward. Even as hearts and minds consider the babe of Bethlehem this season, let us not just see him as a child or a story but embrace Him as our own personal, living Savior.

The Message (2020 Rose Ruth)

Hi, ho! On the mount, gospel echoes ringing out

Lowly shepherds did proclaim, the dispatch that the angels sang

“Glory to God and peace to men, a Savior is born in Bethlehem”

Listen! Whispering the wind, still gently rustles news of Him

Gurgling the fountain trickles, extends the word with endless ripples

Twittering the songbird’s cheeping, telling tidings with trilling tweeting

Twinkling stars bear the story, illuminate another glory

Distant thunderclouds report, clapping lighting soon retorts

And the voice of you and me, declares the message: Christ is King!

Born for all on Christmas day to take man’s sin and pave the way

To an eternity of heaven’s favor for those who take Jesus as their Savior

As the herdsmen spread the light and creation testifies

So we share with everyone; the Way, the Truth, the Life has come!


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