
                                                                April 3—Hallower

Reading: 1 Kings 9-12


I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built to put my name there for ever; and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually. (1 Kings 9:3b)


He hears, hallows, puts his name, eyes and heart; establishes, cuts off, casts out, bring evil, delights loves, rends, stirs up, builds, afflicts, turns affairs. (1 Kings 9:3,5, 7,9; 10:9; 11:11,14, 38,39; 12:15)


     It was with great excitement and passion Solomon built and dedicated the temple. After the dedication prayer, the Lord appeared letting Solomon know He had heard the prayer and would hallow or set the house apart as holy the house for His use. The Lord said He would establish Solomon’s kingdom as long as he followed God’s commands but if he turned away from them, He would cut the people out of the land and the temple.

      For years Solomon seemed to have the Midas touch. He occupied himself in building cities, expanded his empire by destroying or taxing neighboring counties, created a navy and gathered gold and fine goods from around the world. The queen of Sheba was at a loss for words when she came to visit and saw Solomon’s beautiful functioning palace and the temple and heard his wisdom.

      Unfortunately Solomon gathered beautiful foreign wives along with his treasures and they introduced him to their idols. Solomon had forgotten the Lord’s word to Israel to refrain from marrying women from other nations who would turn their hearts away from God. Soon Solomon also began to worship false gods. The Lord was angry and told Solomon He would tear the kingdom out of his son’s hand except for one tribe and stirred up Solomon’s enemies.

      Around this time the prophet Ahijah found Jeroboam and tore his cloak in twelve pieces giving him ten as a sign God would give him ten tribes of Israel. He also said God would build his kingdom if he followed Him. The separation of tribes happened when Solomon died and his son Rehoboam gave his inaugural address. Instead of following his elder advisor’s advice to serve the people, Rehoboam listened to his peers and pledged to rule with an iron fist. Judah and Benjamin stayed under Rehoboam’s rule but the other ten tribes of Israel rebelled as God predicted and followed Jeroboam. Sadly Jeroboam did not create a goldly kingdom for the Lord but built two cult cities in Bethel and Dan for the worship of golden calves and keeping the people away from Jerusalem and the temple.




Lord, Set us apart for Your use. Keep our hearts dedicated to you. We do not want to turn from You and have You turn from us to our destruction. Amen


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