What of the prophets? What of 2020?

 Was God surprised with 2020? 

Many Christians in our country were believing and expecting for a godly ruler but got a deviant ruler. Many Christian prophets were saying the righteous ruler would be sworn into office in 2020. Even though the count went to the godly ruler, the grip of the devious rulers did not allow the righteous government to stay in power. Is this the final result and if so why and where are we going? Were the prophets wrong and why? 

A deadly virus swept the land with many victims. Medicines with high cure rates were hidden from the people and expensive programs with vaccines were touted and many were swept away in the politicizing of medicine. People were locked in their homes and business were closed forever. 

The media began to blackout any voices of truth and reason spinning stories recklessly and violence ruled in the streets. Criminals were made heroes and righteous rulers were mocked and punished.

Is this America?

It is clear in Israel's history that ungodly rulers brought judgment and calamity to a nation while godly rulers brought peace and prosperity. God allowed evil rulers, calamities and violence to bring judgment to nations. God allowed lying spirits to infect prophets and tell people what they wanted to hear to bring destruction to nations. God intervened in turns of event for good or evil in history and rewarded and punished nations depending on if they followed God's word or not.

Our nation has turned from God and gone our own way. We sing patriotic songs, parade, vote and do what we can in the natural to get good rulers but to no avail. It must be that our nation has turned from God. It must be that we have not repented as a nation and as a church. It must be that we are heaping trouble and calamity on ourselves as a result of our sins. It must be that God cannot hear our cries for help over the deafening sound of bloodshed and perversion in our land. 

Where are the true prophets? Where are the preachers calling our land to repentance? We hear self help sermons, name it and claim it prayers and mourning for the loss of our nation's independence and wealth, but where is mourning for sin? 

We must come together and repent as a nation lest we lose our land completely and be scattered on the earth. We must repent for forgetting God and adopting other gods as our objects of affection. It must begin with individuals, in church assemblies, at capitol buildings and in the streets and meeting places of our land. We must put away our sins. We must cast our sins from us before we are cast out. 

What happens when a nation does not repent? In short, the godly remnant is blamed for the misfortunes that ensue and are persecuted. God will provide reprieve or delay in judgment if a nation repents. He will bring a resurrection on the third day after the dead thing begins to stink if we look to Him for the miracle. We must gaze at the Lord in uncertain times to see what He will do.

What is the mindset of the remnant church? Pure, focused, undistracted, truth telling, in love with Jesus and about his cause. 

Are they distressed when their nation is distressed? Yes! 

Do they offer a band aid to others saying everything will be alright? No. 

They tell the truth. They say it is our sin that has brought these things upon us. Then they point to Jesus. They point to the way out saying: "Repent turn to Jesus while you can and find treasure in heaven!"


Lord, forgive us and do not forsake us! We beg for mercy! We beg for cleansing! We ask for a righteous remnant to take hold of the cross daily and follow our Savior no matter the cost.

Lord, keep us righteous! May we wear the cross as a badge of honor and not cave to the pressure to conform or stay silent. May we win the lost. May we be busy about the Your business. May we put our treasure in Heaven. May we make ourselves rich with heavenly riches and not the fading earthly ones. 

Lord, may we abandon ourselves to Your cause! May we stay faithful eagerly awaiting Your return because it could be today. May we not put our trust in the help of man but in the intervention of God. Amen


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