Heart to Bless. April 8

Duet 5:29 Oh that they had such a mind as this always, to fear me and to keep all my commandments, that it might go well with them and with their descendants forever!
When the Lord appeared on the mountain with smoke and fire the people were terrified. They begged Moses to go talk to God by himself, because they were afraid if they neared the holiness of God, they would not survive.  God was pleased at the reverence of their hearts but he also knew their tendencies to be momentarily inspired by a wonder but quickly  wayward of heart in wilderness.  We see God's heart in this passage.  God wants even longs to bless his people and their offspring.  His blessings however are conditional upon obedience.  God wants us to love Him, but He never forces the relationship.  Will you choose to make God your chief lover?


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