Fighting Fear with Faith

One of the enemy's greatest weapons is fear.  He will plant seeds of what is or what could be and speaks to you in lies saying that the calamity is fact.  Even when given a negative report by a doctor, consultant, the media, or a loved one, satan will try to magnify the problem ultimately trying to fabricate a story about your demise and impending disaster.  Every symptom looks like the worst-case-scenario described in the google-search or by negative (though sometimes well-meaning) voices.

The strategy of the enemy is to paralyze you and keep you from accomplishing your God-given destiny.  A wise person will not fall for that ploy.  The light or revelation of God's word on your situation can help you stand in faith above the storm.  The mature believer will develop a battle strategy and practice throughout life's trying situations so when the big issues and concerns arise, they can win and not fall victim to fear!

David had plenty to fear.  Enemy nations surrounded him and he constantly had to battle them to gain land.  King Saul was on a man-hunt for his life and there could be spies anywhere. The fear of man could have sent David spinning into a place where he just settled for a life and family hidden and safe from the hands of angry men.  But David fought for the kingship by fighting off fear.
David broke the power of fear with several faith tactics outlined below:

1. First David focused on WHO God was.  Psalm 27 shows his proclamation during perilous times:  "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" David meditated on the fact that the Lord was his LIGHT and his SALVATION and the STRENGTH of his life.  When he thought about Who God was, the threat and position/power of people and problems became irrelevant even puny.

2. David also fought fear by focusing on ways God had helped him before.  He recounted past victories to help in his present battle.  He remembered "When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fell."  By reminding himself of what God did in the past, this fueled David's faith that God could do it again for him in the present and future.

Then David fought fear by 3. Declaring his stance if attacked.  He said "Though a host should encamp against me my heart shall not fear..  Sometimes we need to simply and boldly proclaim that "I will not fear." Every arrow that satan shoots can be stopped by the shield of faith.  We can choose whether or not to believe, contemplate, or consider the lie.  We do not have to accept fear or fear fear but we can take a stand against it and determine it will not be a part of our life.

Next David fought the fear by 4. Proclaiming WHAT God was going to do for him.  He said "In the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion; in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me" By thinking about God's works and wonders and ability to protect and deliver, every threat the enemy hurled at David became miniscule and it will for us as well.

 5. Finally David moved into worship to thank God for the answer before it was even visible--this is an evidence of faith--believing what is unseen before it is seen.  David says "therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yes I will sing praises unto the Lord."  Sometimes it takes sacrifice and energy to point your attention to the Lord instead of wallowing in self-pity.  David made a determination to be joyful and set his praise and sing his praise to God, despite the circumstance.  Praising further put our attention on God and it does what satan hates and tries to stop most--gives and brings the glory back to God.

The believer today has an added weapon because we have the testimony of WHAT God did for us on the cross.  It is a blessing to take daily communion as a reminder of His victory.  Declare Colossians 2:13-15 that Christ "raised you with Him, forgave you of your trespasses, blotted out your certificated of debt, nailed it on his own cross, spoiled principalities and power, made a show of them openly, triumphed over them." This will give you daily cleansing and freedom when the accuser tries to bring fear to you about your failures or the consequences of missing the mark and tries to hang it over your head or hold it against you.  Christ's work gives us victory over the greatest fear the devil uses--death.  Hebrews 2:14-15 says that "through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who though fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." Praise God that His sacrifice means no more fear, and no more fear means no more bondage.  We are free because Christ paid the price to set us free.

 The 91st Psalm is also a great passage to personalize when taking your position against fear.  You can declare WHO God IS (your refuge, fortress, God) YOUR STANCE (I will say, He is my refuge, in Him I will trust, I will not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flies by day, nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor for the destruction that wastes at noon day, I will tread on the lion and adder, I will trample on the serpent." WHAT God was going to do (He shall deliver, He shall cover, He shall give his angels charge over me, He will deliver, He will set me on high, He will answer me, He will be with me in trouble, He will deliver me, He will honor me, He will satisfy me with long life, He will show me His salvation.

Take time to develop a faith strategy today against fear and it will go a long way.  You may be in a battle currently against fear.  Let these steps help you to turn your eyes to Jesus the Author and Finisher of Your faith who faced the Cross with Joy because it bought us victory for today.


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